Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wayne Smith Comments

When I decided to place my name on the November 2, 2010 ballot for Texarkana, Arkansas Mayor; I did what I have done my entire life.  I evaluated what was necessary to be a winner / successful candidate for the position I wanted.  As I have said before, I have been successful at every position I have held during my adult life.  This success can be attributed to developing a plan of action and doing whatever is necessary to accomplish the goal established This trend began with my Military Service in which I was selected to attend Leadership Preparation School immediately following “Boot Camp” to being an Honor Graduate of 7th Army NCO Academy, and finally being a decorated Vietnam Veteran.  I began at the entry level of a Correctional Officer-Guard-in the Federal Prison Service and retired as a Warden.  That career has carried me to thirteen assignments and seven different positions.   I knew I would not be successful as a Mayoral Candidate without building a coalition of supporters throughout Texarkana, Arkansas. 
At every opportunity I have shared my vision for Texarkana, Arkansas with diverse constituents.  During each encounter I articulate my qualifications, experience, and desire to do “What’s Best For Texarkana, Arkansas”.  I have been successful assuring those I come in contact with that I have the Ability, Courage, and Determination to fight for Texarkana, Arkansas.  I have begun to build the coalition to become Texarkana, Arkansas Mayor elect on November 2, 2010 and be sworn in on January 1, 2011.  This coalition of supporters consists of Democrats, Republican, and the elusive Independents.  The Miller County Patriots have endorsed me as their choice for Texarkana, Arkansas Mayor. Leaders from the Minority-Black and Hispanic-Community have endorsed me as the best qualified candidate for Texarkana, Arkansas Mayor.  Religious congregations have voiced support for my candidacy.  Prominent Business Owners/Leaders, Attorneys. Medical Professionals have supported my pursuit to become Texarkana, Arkansas Mayor.  Law Enforcement-Federal, State, County, and Local-have provided encouragement and support for my desire to become Mayor.  IAFF Local 502-Texarkana Arkansas Firefighters-have endorsed me as their candidate for Texarkana, Arkansas Mayor.  State, County, and Local Elected Officials-Current and Prior-have provided advise, support, and/or assistance in my campaign.  Cooper Tire United Steel Workers Local 1752 has voted to support and endorse me as the best candidate for Texarkana, Arkansas Mayor.  I have received encouragement and support from a majority of current Board of Directors.  Neighborhood Organizations have placed their voice of approval in my desire to become Mayor.  As Brenda and I walk in the communities and meet my constituents I receive the most encouraging support from the Citizens of Texarkana, Arkansas-their promise to vote for me.  I will continue to build on this coalition as the days pass before the November 2nd Election.  The larger the coalition the more effective I will be as your Mayor. 
As the Mayor I will build another coalition with County Official, School Board Members, and Board of Directors to ensure an Agenda which advances Texarkana, Arkansas is implemented.  I will always do what’s best for Texarkana, Arkansas.  As Mayor I can not and will not be influenced or intimidated by Texarkana, Texas officials.  I will always be willing to discuss any topic with Texarkana, Texas officials; however, it must be contingent on Mutual Respect and Equality. I have absolutely no allegiance or ties with Texarkana, Texas. I will never have to abstain or remove myself from a vote involving Texarkana, Arkansas’ business because of a conflict of interest.  I want only what’s best for Texarkana, Arkansas. 
There have been some recent distortions in my belief and opinion concerning Texarkana, Arkansas growth and development.  We have a great opportunity to advance our job and business growth.  We cannot target one area.  Texarkana, Arkansas has the potential for growth in South Texarkana area-College Hill, Highway 82 East, Jefferson Avenue-North of I 30, North and South side of I 30 corridor between Jefferson Avenue and State Line, and our Business Park.  Downtown Texarkana has potential for specific targeted businesses, leisure/recreational areas, and cultural pursuits.  Each area must be developed to provide a multi-use concept.  Without adequate housing units-rooftops-available Texarkana, Arkansas will not grow or attract businesses willing to locate within our city limits.  When we are making decisions pertaining to an owner’s property, the owner’s interest must be a priority.  We must seize the opportunity for housing, business, and/or office growth in areas suitable for construction.
I am asking each citizen in Texarkana, Arkansas for something which is very precious-your Vote.  A Vote for Wayne Smith is an investment in Texarkana, Arkansas and the growth of our city.  When elected and sworn in as your Mayor on January 1, 2011 the citizens of Texarkana, Arkansas will begin to see the dividends of that investment.  I am asking for your vote for Mayor of Texarkana, Arkansas.    

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wayne Smith will put Texarkana, Arkansas First

Put Texarkana, Arkansas FIRST

Wayne Smith
Texarkana, Arkansas

My Pledge to the Citizens of Texarkana, Arkansas

I will put Texarkana, Arkansas economic interests FIRST

I will make sure the interest of citizens in Texarkana, Arkansas comes FIRST

I will fight for Texarkana, Arkansas

I will insist Texarkana Water Utilities continue to be a joint operation, Co-Equally managed by both cities

I am comitted to what's best for Texarkana, Arkansas

I will not tolerate other entities intimidating, manipulating, or interfering with Texarkana, Arkansas city government.

I will fight for what's best for Texarkana, Arkansas

I will do what's best for Texarkana, Arkansas

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wayne Smith is the Best Candidate for Texarkana, Arkansas Mayor

On November 2, 2010 the voters in Texarkana, Arkansas will elect a new Mayor.  I am Wayne Smith and I'd like tell you why I am the best qualified candidate for the position. 

I want to take a moment of your time and tell you why you should vote for Wayne Smith.

I am a Texarkana, Arkansas native, a Vietnam Veteran, and have nearly 40 years experience in a supervisory, management, executive, and senior executive positions within Federal, State, and private agencies.

I attended Fairview Elementary school from 1955-1961.  From 1961-1964 I attended Jefferson Avenue Junior High and completed my Senior High School years (1964-1967) at Arkansas High School in Texarkana, Arkansas.

In November 1967 I entered the U. S. Army at Fort Polk, Louisiana and became Private Wayne Smith.  Upon completion of Basic Training I was selected to attend Leadership Preparation Course at Fort Polk, LA.  After Advanced Training I was transferred to Germany.  While stationed in Germany I was selected to attend 7th Army NCO Academy, graduating with Honors.  I was promoted to Sergeant E-5 during my tour of duty in Germany.  In 1969 the Military sent me to Vietnam as a Squad Leader.  During this Tour of Duty I was the recipient of the Vietnam Service Medal with 3 Bronze Service Stars, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal (awarded by the Republic of Vietnam), and Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm Unit Citation. I completed my military career at Fort Sill, OK performing the duties of Firing Range NCO In-Charge.  Upon being discharged from the U S Army in 1972 as Sergeant Wayne Smith I returned to Texarkana, Arkansas.

In May 1972 I began a nearly 40 years career in the Correctional Field.  I  began this career at the Federal Correctional Institution located in Texarkana as a Correctional Officer and retired as a Warden from the Federal Bureau of Prisons in 2000.  My tenure with the Federal Bureau of Prisons carried me to ten federal prisons holding positions of Lieutenant, Special Investigative Supervisor, Captain, Correctional Services Administrator, Associate Warden, and Warden.  Since 1979 I have been in a supervisor, management, senior management, and/or senior executive position. I have been the recipient of numerous local, regional, and national awards and 80% of my performance evaluations were rated in the highest category available.

In July 2000 I transferred my administrative managerial skills to the private sector of Corrections.  I  became a Correctional Administrator with a private corporation and worked at a 2600 bed male facility in California City, CA housing individuals with a deportable status from most countries throughout the world.  I finished my private sector correctional tenure in Quincy, FL. at a 1000 bed female facility housing Florida State Inmates. 

In 2003 a new avenue in my life occurred. I became a kindergarten teacher in Havana, FL. and in 2004 I once again utilized my leadership and managerial skills by managing  three Apartment Complexes (2-72 Unit Rental Assistance and 1-72 Unit Section 8 Housing)  in the Tallahassee, FL. area.  Between the school teaching adventure and Complex Manager position I coordinated the opening of a Warehouse Distribution Center for a private company.

In December 2005 I was blessed to be able to return to my career and geographical roots.  I accepted a position with the Arkansas Department of Community Corrections and became Warden Wayne Smith at the Southwest Arkansas Community Correction Center (old St Michael Hospital) in Texarkana, AR. 

So, on November 2, 2010 when you go to the polls and vote for your new Mayor of Texarkana, Arkansas remember this about Wayne Smith:

Nearly 40 Years experience Supervising, Managing, Directing large Federal , State , and Private Organizations.

Managed and been responsible for budgets exceeding 25 Million.

Supervised and been responsible for in excess of 500 Staff.

Tested under pressure.

Managed organizations consisting of multi-cultural diversity.

Demonstrated the Leadership Skills necessary to be an effective Mayor for Texarkana, Arkansas.

I am Wayne Smith and I am asking for your support and vote on November 2, 2010 to become the next Mayor of Texarkana, Arkansas. I am the best qualified candidate.